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Gather Social Blog

  • Writer's pictureAmy Young

Day in the life of a Social Media and Content Manager

Working at Gather Social means that every day is different. One day I could be working from home, from the comfort of my sofa and heated blanket and another day I could be on-location filming for a client. It’s the variety and the responsibility across projects that not only make my role more exciting but what makes me love working at Gather too.

As a Social Media Content Manager I work directly on some social campaigns, others I manage and brief the team to create. I also manage quite a few of our bigger clients where I often hold meetings with the client to discuss their content needs to then feed this back to the team. Additionally, I lead many filming projects whether that be on-site or off-site, so as you can imagine there’s usually always something new or exciting to be done.

Here’s what a Day in the Life in the office looks like for me:

6.30 am - As much as I’m not a morning person, I manage to get up nice and early to get ready for the day with plenty of time to make it into the office, a usual 35min drive away from me. Sometimes I will start my day with a quick 20-minute HIIT workout to wake myself up nicely or I’ll make myself a coffee if I’m having a rest day. I’m usually ready within 40 minutes these days - which is an accomplishment from before I started my career.

8.30 am - After a usually pleasant drive into work, often accompanied by great tunes and an oat milk vanilla latte. I pull up into my car park space and head up to the office. Mary is very much an early bird so is often the first in the office, followed by Alice and then me. I’ll then open my laptop up and check my emails to see if I have any urgent requests, whilst chatting to the team to see how everyone’s doing and just generally catching up. If everyone is in the office, I’ll also be greeted by Sophie’s puppy/our new office dog, Albie, a 6-month-old Golden Doodle, which always makes everyone’s morning, no matter how we’re all feeling, puppy cuddles always work to start the day off perfectly.

9 am- One day a week I run a team day on one of my larger clients. So on this particular day, I will be sure to have written everyone’s brief and sent it to their work phones, as we use Whatsapp for all internal communication, so everyone has their brief to see easily throughout the day as we go and make a LOT of content.

10 am- Whilst the team are making lots of content for social, I will usually go and check the current campaigns I have live for clients on Meta Ads. This is one of my favourite things to do in my role as you directly see your hard work bringing in results. Sometimes I’ll be refreshing the content for some campaigns, optimising ads that are already live, checking budgets or creating entirely new campaigns in line with the customer's current needs.

11.30 am- After checking Meta Ads, I’ll usually move on to my second or third coffee of the day, which is always a nice little break from my laptop whilst I potter around the office waiting for the kettle to boil. Once I’ve made my coffee and offered the rest of the team a hot drink, I’ll then double-check with the team that everyone is getting on ok with their briefs and we’ll usually be sure to send in our designs so far of the day to inspire each other and to keep our creativity flowing.

12.30 pm - Lunch time! Depending on what we’re all fancying, our lunch breaks often vary. Sometimes we’ll pop into town for a coffee, Cafe Nero is our often go-to! On other days we’ll take Albie for a nice long walk and all get some fresh air and our steps in. Usually, we all like to meal prep our lunch which means we’re saving money on Deliveroo lunches, however, sometimes we do cave and end up sitting in the kitchen with a Nando’s or even more likely a Pret A Manger.

2.30 pm- Another part of my role, is helping my clients’ employees build their own personal brands on LinkedIn so I will often have a few Zoom calls in the afternoon to discuss brands they like and the messages they want to portray across their LinkedIn pages. This is always an exciting meeting to be a part of as I’m having a direct impact on bringing peoples’ ideas to life, especially since everyone’s personal brand is always so different.

3.30 pm - After my personal brand sessions I will usually have a Zoom meeting or two with the client as a weekly check-in to discuss anything from their current live campaigns, new ideas, campaigns they need creating or any filming that may need doing to improve their online presence. I love these meetings as they’re always very creative and really challenge my brain. As the manager of this account, it’s also a really affirming time that I’m doing a great job.

5 pm- Home time. After all my meetings and tasks for the day, I check in with the team again to see if anyone needs a hand on anything and then I usually start thinking about heading home. As my commute is longer than others, I usually leave earlier (thanks to flexible working) so that I don’t end up stuck in the worst part of rush hour traffic. However, some days I will leave at around 3 pm and finish my day at home, especially when it's winter and the dark evenings start creeping in!

Feel like you’ve learnt more about a day in the life of working at Gather Social? Click here to read another Culture blog from our amazing team.

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